Happy Tuesday! I am sharing some tips and answering some of your questions.
This weeks tips:
Must have
Constantly Eating Clean: I don’t “diet” but I have created a healthy lifestyle that I am able to stick to day to day. This can be challenging but the best way for me to stick to this is having great healthy options on hand. I tend to stray from healthy options when they aren’t readily available. I find having a fully stocked fridge is the best way but we all know that doesn’t always happen. So I recommend having a supply of frozen options. Such
Readers Questions:
Q: Do you have a Vici code still?
Yes, it is cellajane20 for 20% off and this weekend I will have one for 30% and I will share on instagram the code and when it will be available.
Q: Good outfit for St. Patricks Day?
Here is a great option.
Q: Where did you get your new kids plates?
We just got these and I love them. They suction to the table which is huge with a 2 year old.
Q: Where is your vanity stool from?
You can find it here.
Q: I love your nail color. What color do you get? and do you get gel or dip?
Thank you! I have been doing gel for the past few years but actually just did dip for the first time before Paris and I don’t think I will go back to gel. My go to color is Let’s Be Friends so they matched that color in the dip and I will ask for the details on the color they used next time I am in.
Q: Can you share your green smoothie recipe?
I shared my morning smoothie recipe here.
Q: Can you share your reusable smoothie straws?
I shared my smoothie straws here.
Q: What’s the neck cream your Mom recommended?
This is an amazing product. You can find it here –
use code CELLAJANE20 for 20% off!
Q: Where is your monogrammed tote bag from?
I linked it here.
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Your font is too hard to read!! It is LIGHT grey, not black and even with glasses it is difficult to see. PLUS it is teen tiny. Love your content but I am missing out.
Thanks for letting me know! Site redesign coming soon and I will definitely keep that in mind! xx