Jun 12


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I am finally getting around to sharing my updated “What I am Eating”  and answering some diet Q-n As that you gals have been asking!

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As my diet changes from week to week, I tend to rotate out the same recipes or meals when I find things I like. I am totally a creature of habit and love quick and easy meals! So here is what a typical week looks like for me!

APL Sneakers in MarbleGreen (they look more greyish) // Alo Jacket // Alo Leggings // Alo Sports Bra


BREAKFAST // Chocolate protein w PB2 smoothie (see full recipe here) and ½ cooked whole oats sweetened with truvia and cinnamon. Coffee/espresso with Vital Proteins and creamer!

LUNCH //  Kale salad with avocado toast (on Ezekiel break or GG Crackers) and Trader Joe’s butternut squash soup

Half a RXBAR or high fiber cereal with cashew milk if I am craving something sweet. I also love a coffee drink after lunch!

DINNER // Stuffed Ground Turkey Peppers with Feta. Recipe here.

DESSERT // Caramel Cheddar popcorn – just keeping it real, this is one thing I cant kick. A healthy option is Angie’s Boom Chica popcorn. I love the kettle and Cheddar cheese.


BREAKFAST // Chocolate protein w PB2 smoothie (see full recipe here) and ½ cooked whole oats sweetened with truvia and cinnamon. Coffee/espresso with Vital Proteins and creamer!

LUNCH // Steamed broccoli bowl (steam and then season with a little spray butter and salt and pepper) topped with Flavored Tuna, Avocado, salt and pepper

Half a RXBAR or high fiber cereal with cashew milk if I am craving something sweet.

DINNER // Fried Cauliflower Rice  (recipe here)– this is my quick and easy meal when Michael is gone

DESSERT // Yasso Froyo Bar – the whole family loves them!



BREAKFAST // Chocolate protein w PB2 smoothie (see full recipe here) and ½ cooked whole oats sweetened with truvia and cinnamon. Coffee/espresso with Vital Proteins and creamer!

LUNCH // Kale salad topped with Grilled chix, slivered almonds, edamame, sugar snap peas and Trader Joe’s Carrot Ginger Dressing

Sweet tooth* couple pieces of dark chocolate and an espresso

DINNER // Chipless Nachos with Shredded Chix (see recipe here just swap out the ground turkey for chicken)

DESSERT // Caramel Cheddar popcorn


BREAKFAST // Banana Pancakes  (recipe here) and Protein Shake

LUNCH // Avocado Toast on Dave’s Bread & Trader Joe’s Butternut Squash Soup

DINNER // Skinny Buffalo Chicken Wraps (recipe below and here)

DESSERT // Yasso Choc PB Pint – I eat about 1- 2 servings. 😉


BREAKFAST // BREAKFAST // Banana Pancakes  (recipe here) and Protein Shake


LUNCH // Veggie Egg Scramble

Cook 2-3 eggs scrambled, I add a dash of low-fat Feta cheese and cherry tomatoes or a salsa, salt and pepper than I add about 2 cups of kale over the cooked eggs on the stovetop and sprinkle with EVOO and let the kale cook down. Place in a bowl, add half an avocado and more salsa or hot sauce. You really can add whatever veggies you like!

DINNER // Friday we normally eat out or get take out. On the weekends (starting Friday) I have a couple cheat meal with cocktails or wine!

Favorites cheat meals include: Pizza, Mexican,  chips and guac, pasta, Margs, Wine, really whatever!

**Tip – For lunch and dinner I always try to fill on on veggies. I make it about 3/4 of my meal while protein and healthy fats makes up the rest.


QUESTION // What do you eat at night to help with your sweet tooth? I always feel like I overdo snacking after dinner.

ANSWER // I am not the best when it comes to my late night sweet tooth. It’s when I indulge most and I love GH Cretors Carmel Popcorn! I also love Yasso’s pints and bars – a great option to ice cream!

QUESTION // Is there any food item you can’t keep in your house because you’ll overdo it?

ANSWER //  YES! Carmel Cheddar popcorn. If I have it, I will eat it!

QUESTION // How do you keep cravings at bay? Or how do you indulge without “falling off the wagon” so to speak?

ANSWER // We all have good and bad days- that is just life. I try not to let one bad day affect my whole week. My cheat meals or the weekend help too, bc I know I can indulge without feeling guilty. These are a must for me! And I don’t eat bad the whole weekend. It’s more in the evening if we go out for drinks, dinner and dessert or order take out!

QUESTION // What’s the best way you’ve found to eat kale?

ANSWER // Right now I am on a kale kick. Ask me last year at this time and it may have been arugula. I incorporate kale into a lot of meals. I love it for lunch in my egg scramble, I love it in my stuffed peppers for dinner, and for a lot of my salads and base of topping like chicken, sweet potatoes, feta and other lean proteins. I get pre-chopped kale and massage with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. I can’t eat raw kale unless its massaged or cooked in.  I put it in the kids smoothies!

QUESTION // Do you/did you ever track macros or your carb intake?

ANSWER // No, I don’t track my intake, but I do try to avoid the bad carbs and only eat the good ones. Here is a list of carbs I try to avoid and what ones  eat:


White Bread / White Pasta / Bagels

Cereals – although I love a big bowl of cereal on my cheat days!

Sweetened Yogurt – about 6 months ago I cut out all sweetened yogurt and noticed a huge change!

Most carbs spike your blood sugar and cause crashes later in the day which lead to making bad eating decisions and over eating.

What carbs I eat:

Popcorn – ha

Sweet Potatoes

Corn – not the best carb so I don’t eat a ton

GG Crackers- I really don’t count as a carb bc of the fiber count

Pop Chips-when I want to satisfy my chip cravings. I also love cheddar baked lays!



Whole Grain Bread

Whole Grain Rice


Whole Wheat Pasta

QUESTION // Do you eat before your morning workouts?

I do not. I work out early in the morning and find that fasted workouts are best for me. I feel that my body needs to burn the stored fat/calories instead of eating prior and burning those. I try to give my body at least 12 hours of no eating each night.

QUESTION // What do you order at restaurants if you’re trying to be healthy but still have a good time?

ANSWER //  If I’m trying not to indulge, I usually opt for some sort of hearty salad or a protein + veggie combo. For example, scallops or salmon are my favorites with a side of steamed veggies. Or a big salad with a protein.

QUESTION // Do you cut out alcohol to get in shape? 

ANSWER // I do not. I love my wine too much! However, I try my best to cut it out on the weeknights and save It for the weekends. If we have an event or outing on the weeknight. I will limit to one glass.

Favorite drinks:


Sauvignon Blanc


White Claw -light and refreshing

Skinny Margs 

QUESTION // What eating plan do you feel has worked the best for losing weight? Do you cut carbs? 

ANSWER // I really don’t have an eating plan. Eating healthy is a lifestyle and I don’t want to make it too complicated. I think educating yourself on what is healthy food is key and then making the right choices! Anytime I eat a lot of crap, my body feels crappy. I crave healthy food now!

I have found that having a clean and healthy week with daily exercise is a great balance with the weekend to have a couple cheat meals!

QUESTION // What are your go-to snack options? I struggle between 2-5pm!

ANSWER // I try to keep healthy options on hand always!

Green Detox Smoothing – the whole family loves this recipe! See here. I started adding avocado!

Carrots and hummus – get some veggies and protein all at once with this one.

Cherry Tomatoes – I will grab a handful of these and a LaCroix

A banana – if you work out a lot, a banana is a great snack for getting potassium to those muscles.

Juice – there’s a really great juice bar nearby that’s called T. Loft, and we love their fresh pressed juices! I get the Go Veggies. I try to stick with juices with less fruit juice, but they are all really good!

Nuts – I love the nut and berry mix at Trader Joe’s. It is satisfying snack!

Kevita Probiotic Drink – some days I have one of these as a great pick me up!

QUESTION // What are your favorite recipe resources? Where do you look for inspiration?

ANSWER // I pin a lot of recipes. I also love Skinny Taste and all her cookbooks. I also love Be Well by Kelly Fab 4 recipes

QUESTION // What are some of your favorite meals to make at home?

ANSWER // Below are some of my favorite recipes that I have made ove the past few years. I seem to make the same things over and over again if we love them! Here are a few recipes that are on the regular right now!


We also grill A LOT! I love grilling cod, salmon burgers, chicken sausages, and lots of fresh veggies! Michael loves steak so we both get what we want!

Now it’s your turn! Share your favorite recipes below! I think everyone reading would love to see more yummy options! And I always need more!

As always thanks for reading! Love you, girls!




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    • Will check it out! Someone else was telling me about “What the Health”. Haven’t seen either!

  1. I love the thai turkey skillet by the fit2far2fit guy Drew Manning ! You can find it on YouTube. I think you’d like to Becky!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this great content with us! One of my favorite meals is a cauliflower mash with sautéed mushrooms and a protein. To make it quick and easy, I usually grab a cauliflower mash bag at Trader Joe’s. I follow the instructions on the bag, then place it in my vitamix. Add some ghee, salt and pepper to taste. Blend and you’re good to go!

    • This sounds so good! I haven’t heard of Cauliflower mash! Going to try this! Thanks Kristie!

  3. Great post! I love how in depth and detailed your answers are. I can’t eat sugar, dairy, or gluten for health reasons, but I love drinking tomato soup everyday mixed with turmeric and bone broth. And gluten free waffles with stevia chocolate chips are the bomb!


    • So I love tomato soup, and I am going to have to try this! Thanks for sharing! xx

  4. I love this! So many great healthy food ideas. I also love your balanced approach – eating right but indulging occasionally. That mindset has really helped me stay consistent in my pursuit of a healthier lifestyle and more fit physique. Thanks so much!!

    • Yum!! I am going to have to try! I did just have some fresh spinach chicken sausages from Whole Foods and they were amazing! xx

  5. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your meals/answers to the questions! I’m a private F-Factor client, so I especially love seeing that you too enjoy GG Crackers and PB2 🙂