Jan 15

Tuesday Tips & Questions: Volume 2

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I am so glad you enjoyed my new Tuesday series! Each week I will contiue to share several random tips I am finding helpful, along with a bunch of YOUR questions!




So this may not sound like a โ€œquickโ€ wrinkle fix but it is! I have this steamer and it is AMAZING. It heats up in less than 10 seconds and you can steam your clothes in just minutes! It literally changed my life. I havenโ€™t ironed in years since I got this. I use this every single day and itโ€™s worth every penny!


If you have food thatโ€™s stuck on your skillet/pan after cooking, just add water and heat the skillet back up on the stove and use the cooking utensil and the heat will remove the caked on food.


Take Elderberry Syrup (read benefits here) daily

( I get mine locally, but you can find it almost anywhere online and in your health food stores)


wellness shots or combo of lemon juice, ginger, oregano oil (this doesnt taste good but I swear by it)


Emergen C

I like to take this daily!


If you need to save the other haf of you avocado here are some easy tips to keep it fresh:

// Cut open the avocado and remove the pit. Immediately coat the flesh of one half with fresh lemon juice. Wrap the avocado half in plastic wrap and place in the fridge. Itโ€™s as easy as one, two, three.

//An even easier method is to submerge your ripe avocado in water. Cut your avocado in half and fill a glass or plastic container near full with water. With the flesh-side down, place the avocado in the container, cover, and place in the fridge. This will keep the avocado from turning brown for about another two days.


Q: What was your Starbucks order the other day with the cold foam?

Here is my exact order (70 calories only)

Cold Foam Brew w/

3 pumps SF vanilla + 1 pump hazelnut + light cream = so good!

Q: What are your packing tips/tricks (gadgets/products that make travel easier)?

I did a full blog post on my travel essentials here! I just got packing cubes for our trip next week and excited to try them! I will let you know what I think.

I like to roll most of my clothing โ€“ so it fits nice and snug and doesnโ€™t wrinkle as bag. I will fill hats and my purses with undergarments, socks, pjs (soft items) so they keep there shape!

I use tissue paper to wrap certain clothing items โ€“ if they have embellishments or snag easy.


Q: What camera(s) do you use?

A: We use a Canon 5D Mark with this Canon lens.

Q: Do your kids eat most of the food you make/show?

No. This is about 50/50. It all depends on what I am making. What I try to do with the dishes I know the kids wonโ€™t like, is save some of the protein (ground turkey, chicken or beef) after I cooked and before I add it to the meal I make for Michael and myself and serve it to them the way I know they will eat it. I almost always have a steamed veggie for them and then will have a rice or quinoa cooked and ready for them. I almost always have them try what we are eating, sometimes I am surprised at what they will eat, especially Greyson.

Q: Diet โ€” do you eliminate anything or everything in moderation?

I donโ€™t eliminate anything really, and mostly everything in moderation. I tend to eat pretty clean and healthy during the week and on the weekend evening meals, I like to indulge more and drink my wine! I donโ€™t drink during the week either. I wake up so early that is is easy for me to turn down a glass of wine or two. I feel so much better when I eat healthily!

Q: Healthy sweet tooth ideas for the evening? 

Try a low-sugar hot chocolate or try 4Sigmatic Mushroom Cacao.

Try a few dark chocolate covered almonds- I love Trader Joes.

I love BoomChicka popcorn- I mix the kettle corn and the cheddar and drink a Kevita Probiotic.

If you crave cereal at night โ€“ try a high fiber cereal like Trader Joeโ€™s High Fiber Cereal or Bran buds โ€“ I sprinkle in some truvia and cinnamon and use cashew milk.

Take a low carb tortilla and warm a few seconds in the microwave and add spray butter with a sprinkle of truvia and cinnamon.

Q: How do you keep your house so clean and schedule your day with blogging & 2 kids?

Keeping the house clean is impossible. I try my best to keep it picked up and Michael helps with this too. Since I do work from home, I find that I need my house clean in order to work done, otherwise it distracts me. So each morning after I workout and I try to a quick sweep and pick up items. The Roomba has been a lifesaver! It seriously makes me so happy. I run it every morning and it cleans my floors. I donโ€™t have to worry about sweeping or vacuuming. It also forces me to keep the floors picked up so it is able to run and clean the floors.

Q: I love your diffuser for essential oils and want to start using them around my home. Do you have a brand that you use/recommend? Thanks so much!

I shared my marble diffuser I use in this post and I use a ton of different oils but here are a few favorites:

Saje Brainstormโ€™ Diffuser Blends. 

Includes 4 different natural oil blends: Brainstorm, Energy, Exhale and Refresh

Saje Peacefull Diffuser Blends

Includes 4 different natural oil blends:  Good Karma, Gratitude, Yoga and Tantra.

Q: Thanks for the info! Loved the video you and our mom did at her spa last month! Could you please tell how tall you are for reference when shopping your styles?

I am 5โ€™7โ€ณ

Thanks for reading! If you guys have questions for the next weekโ€™s Tuesdayโ€™s Tips and Questions โ€“ feel free to email, comment below or DM on instagram!

Becky xx



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  1. Love this new series!!! Thanks for the tips.โ™ฅ๏ธโ„๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ