Oct 24

5 Simple Ways to be Healthier Every Day

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If you’ve been reading this blog for a while then you know I’m a big fan of fitness. I’m always finding new ways to stay motivated and keep health and wellness top of mind. Lately, I’ve been trying to make sure I do at least one thing a day that contributes to these ideas, so I thought I’d share those simple things with you all in today’s post!

Wear cute athleisure

First and foremost, I’m all about cute athleisure. I like to check out eBay whenever I’m looking for a stylish new pair of sneakers. The pair I’m wearing here are grey APLs, which is one of my favorite brands, but buying them from a retailer will cost you a pretty penny. eBay had them listed for a great price so I picked them up guilt free. I like APLs because they’re super stylish and I can wear them to the gym and all day with the kids. eBay also always has tons of cute workout clothes listed that can be dressed up or down – and 80% of their stuff is actually new. My whole outfit is from there, in fact.

To get me motivated to exercise, I like to put my workout clothes and sneakers on first thing in the morning so they act as a reminder that I need to get to the gym. You can also do this right when you get home from work, so you’ll be sure to get a sweat session in.

Always carry water

Carrying water with you everywhere you go is one of the easiest things you can do to up your health game. Staying hydrated plays such a big role in your everyday wellness and most people don’t pay enough attention to it. If I ever have a headache or don’t feel 100%, the first thing I do is chug a bottle of water. Pick up a cute glass water bottle with some style – that always gives me a little more motivation to keep it with me 24/7.

Balance check what I’ve eaten for the day

I try to check in with myself once a day on what I’ve eaten. I think to myself OK, have I eaten healthy carbs (whole grains, veggies, fruit), protein (chicken, fish) and good fats (nuts, nut butter, seeds)? If I can check all the boxes, I know I’ve had a pretty balanced day. If I’m missing something, I’ll add it in the next time I eat.

Get a good night’s sleep

As a parent of two little ones, this doesn’t always happen, but I try to get myself to bed at a decent time every night. I think sleep is very important and it’s an easy thing (most of the time) to make sure you’re doing for yourself on a daily basis. Always aim for 8 hours!

Sneak in movement

The same way I check in with myself about food, I’ll also do with movement. Since I’m usually wearing sneakers (can’t say enough how cute and comfortable these APLs are), it’s easy to chase the kids around or take them for a walk. I do this on days when I get to the gym and when I don’t. I especially like to go on walks this time of year because it’s cool but not too cold yet.

I hope these tips are helpful! Do you use cute athleisure to help keep you motivated to exercise? Definitely check out eBay’s selection of cute sneakers right now – there are some really amazing options!

Becky xx


Outfit Details

APL Sneakers // Apple Watch // Hydro Flask // Nike Joggers // Nike Pullover



A big thanks to eBay for sponsoring this post!



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  1. All excellent, balanced tips; and yes, I have a full athleisure section of my closet! My favorite resources/brands are Alo Yoga, Lorna Jane, Carbon 38, Bandier and Nike (classic).