Aug 8

My Wellness Routine

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My wellness routine as a working mom involves quick and easy healthy habits that I incorporate throughout the day. My focus is on feeling my best, not on achieving the most sculpted body. This post is more about enhancing your well-being to help you get through your busiest days.

Before having kids, I had endless time for everything: cardio classes, morning walks, juice stops, and occasional journaling. Looking back, I realize how much I could have accomplished with all that free time.

Now, my mornings are filled with taking care of my children and finding small moments for self-care. Honestly, I donโ€™t feel completely refreshed every day. Does anyone with small children? If you do, please share your secrets. I remind myself that this stage of life, with young and demanding kids, is temporary.

Instead of sticking to my old routine, Iโ€™ve found ways to fit a wellness routine into my new schedule. These habits help me stay balanced through the ups and downs of work and motherhood.

My Current Wellness Routine

Here is my daily health regimen:

1. Workout first thing

I try to get up these days around 6AM to get a quick workout in. Typically my workouts take under 40 mins. Days I do weights with a short cardio burst ( 10 mins) along with dry sauna take โ€“ that takes a little longer so I will wake a little earlier. I like to keep my weight training simple and to the point โ€“ around 30 mins or less. I like TSS and Evlo apps for both weights and cardio. For cardio, I will either do short bursts of going really hard for 30 secs than 1 mins rest and repeat. I do this for 10 mins. Otherwise if I dont have time for cardio in the AM, I will do walks or bike rides with the family later. If I only have time to do one or the other weights always takes precedence.

Shop my favorite at home gym essentials and read about my at home gym here!

2. Easy Healthy breakfast 

Every morning I start my day with an easy healthy breakfast. I cannot function without food especially after weight training.

My go-to breakfasts are egg white bites, with cottage cheese and salsa or a protein smoothie, or loaded avocado toast.

Iโ€™m typically eat after all kids have been fed breakfast and I can eat and have my coffee in peace while I start the workday.

3. Supplements 

Iโ€™m a huge fan of using high-quality supplements to support my overall health. Itโ€™s impossible to get perfect nutrition every day with a full schedule, and my kids constantly expose me to new viruses and bugs. I take AG1 to support my immune system and ensure Iโ€™m covering my nutritional bases. I take vitamin D to slow mineral loss, help prevent osteoporosis, and reduce bone fractures. Methyl B helps reduce stress and boost my mood, and vitamin C which supports immune health, skin health, and provides antioxidant protection. I also take Omega-3s which offer numerous benefits, including heart health, brain function, and anti-inflammatory properties.

I listen to a lot of health podcasts and have researched these supplements extensively. Iโ€™m not suggesting you take themโ€”this is simply my routine and what works well for my body.

Health Podcast I love**

4. Prioritize Sleep

I try to go to bed by 9:30 pm to ensure I get enough sleep. Before I go I make my sleepy cocktail with Magnesium-OM mixed with water and sparkling soda. It helps me to fall asleep faster and helps me to get a deeper sleep. It also eases any aches and pains. I never go to sleep without it. 

I wake around 6AM to get my workout in first thing.

5. Wind Down

At the end of the day, I look forward to winding down. The hours of 5 to 8 pm are full on mom mode, taking care of kids, making dinner, cleaning and prepping for the day to come.

Once 830 pm rolls around, I put my phone away for the night (sometimes earlier) and either watch a show or listen to a podcast. This is my favorite part of the day because itโ€™s the only time I truly relax and donโ€™t have to juggle anything

Shop my favorite at home gym essentials and read about my at home gym here!




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