Hi friends! Happy almost weekend! In honor of Mother’s Day, I’ve teamed up with BB Dakota and sharing a motherhood Q&A and a fun giveaway!
Q: Please Define Motherhood In Your Own Words.
Being a mother means loving your child unconditionally no matter what they do or say – and how much they test your patience. It means sleepless nights, stubbed toes, and dirty hands, yet feeling completely overwhelmed by love, joy, and selflessness in the best possible way.
Q: What Advice Can You Give Our Mommy Readers?
There’s often so much pressure on new moms that it’s easy to get overwhelmed and feel like you’re doing it all wrong. My advice would be to know that you’re doing the best you can – and knowing that is the best. That’s all that matters. Also, no moms are the same, so there isn’t one way of parenting that’s better or worse than the other. In the end, it’s most important to do what you feel is right and best for your family.
Q: What Was The Best Advice You Have Ever Received?
The time passes quickly – soon your little ones won’t need you that much anymore.
It’s so easy to miss out on that precious time when you get too caught up with the tasks of life. So, this is always a great reminder to slow down and enjoy the moment with my kids. I also take as many photos and videos as I can because even the most seemingly basic moments are always precious to look back on.
Most Of Us (If Not All) Know That You Are A Mom And An Established Blogger. If You Had To Do It All Over Again, What Would You Do Differently?
I’ve always wanted to be a good role model for my kids as a working mom, and I think blogging definitely gave me a lot of flexibility. That being said, work-life balance does get difficult sometimes. There isn’t too much that I’d change, but I wish I would have known to grow my blogging team earlier on. That definitely would have saved me time and stress.
Has motherhood changed your perspective on the world in any way?
Since becoming a mom, I feel so hard for all mothers and babies now. The constant pressure, unending stress, and juggling various roles can be insane sometimes. It’s definitely made me softer and more compassionate.
Know a mama who deserves a secret Mother’s Day gift?! ?I’ve teamed up with @bychari to treat one lucky mama to win a MAMA necklace and a $250 gift card to @bbdakota.com! Enter on this IG pic here!
Becky xx
A big thanks to BB Dakota for sponsoring this post!
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