The nicer weather & change of season always makes me think of fun, new things to do as a family. With the school year coming to an end and Sutton graduating Pre-K, I’ve been thinking of ways to celebrate & kick off our summer.
Celebrate – try a new ice-cream spot. We had been hearing of a new Thai shaved ice-cream spot in KC, I Am Frozen Dessert Cafe and we finally visited. It’s a perfect place to kick of the summer – the shaved cream is soooo good and we will continue to make this our summer dessert destination! Sutton picked strawberry limeade and matched her pink outfit. 🙂 Greyson was drawn to the fruit loops!
Let the kids pick out summer clothes. For summer the kids needed a few new outfits that were pieces they could really play in yet we can dress up to out on family outings in. We went to Walmart and I let them pick out some new summer outfit staples. Sutton went all pink and she helped Grey pick out an outfit too. These will be great transition pieces into summer – I know we will grab this pink jean jacket from Walmart when we go out to dinner on cool evenings. Greyson’s shorts are easy to dress up, but are also a super comfortable material for him to play in. Walmart makes summer play clothes shopping super easy & affordable.
Girls looks from
Boys looks from
Make a Summer bucket list. With Sutton heading to Kindergarten in the Fall I feel like this is a very special summer as our schedule will change next year. She is also old enough to suggest family activities and gets excited to help us make plans. For our summer bucket list we talk about Friends & Family to See, Places to Go & Things to Do. A slumber party with a friend & cousins, bike rides, the zoo, getting ice-cream, swimming & movie nights are on our list so far!
Plan a special lunch. If your kids aren’t in school yet pack a picnic lunch and head to a park to enjoy the warmer weather & eating/playing outside. If your kids are in school, pack a lunch & surprise them at school to join them for lunch. Making special time for lunch with the kids is something I think about doing, but the day often gets away from me with work, so I’m planning to make an effort to do this a few times before summer and throughout the summer too!
Sign up for summer activities. Whether it’s a season pass to the Zoo, swimming lessons or nature camp, check out local summer camps and find a few that work with your schedule. Sutton is looking forward to a local Art Camp & continuing Taekwando.
What do you do to celebrate the end of the school year & get ready for summer?
A big thanks to Walmart for sponsoring this post!
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