As highly requested by you mamas, I’m sharing a round-up of the best buys for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale baby, baby gear, kids and maternity items available! So many great buys and savings right now! I’ve included a bunch of items that are my favorite that we used for the first year with Greyson and Sutton.
1 nuna MIXX & Pippa Lite Infant Car Set Travel System // 2 Feeding Mat and Bapron // 3 Taco Teether // 4 Nike Cortez // 5 DockATot // 6 Baby Camo Pants // 7 Bloom Infant Lounger // 8 Crane Humidifer // 9 Nike Romper // 10 Adidas Tee // 11 Girl Melissa Shoes // 12 Baby Monitor // 13 Canvas Bins 14 // Thule Jogger (double or single)
I couldn’t believe some of the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale baby items that are included in the sale!
This Thule jogger stroller (we have the double) is marked down and so is the single. I had the single jogger when we had Sutton and upgraded to the double when Grey came along. I love it for walks, jogs, going to the zoo and taking the kids places. Michael loves it too for his jogs! What’s nice is that we can use this one for years for both kids. It was a lifesaver after I had Grey and was working on getting back to my before baby weight.
DockATot is another mama favorite! It’s a portable sleeper docking station that is lightweight and easy to travel with in or outside of the home. If you are expecting or have a little baby- these are amazing! It’s nice for the baby when sleeping, playing and lounging.
Baby and Kids Nike Sneakers – great time to buy the kids sneakers for summer and the school year. There are a bunch of different styles marked down.
The Crane Humidifier – each kid has this exact humidifier in their room. It’s a life saver for when the kids are sick with colds since it helps for coughs and sore throats. I highly recommend.
The Mixx Stroller and Pipa Lite Infant Car seat set Travel System. Marked down $265!! A complete travel set includes a lightweight, multi-mode MIXX stroller along with a PIPA infant car seat and base to cover all your on-the-go needs.
Bloom Infant Lounger we had this for Greyson and we used it so much! I love the sleek, minimal design!
The sale also has kids Northface Jackets/Coats, Patagonia Jackets/Coats and I always buy the kids one for the year. They never go on sale!
The Nordstrom Sale also has a TON of maternity styles and really cute! I rounded up a bunch of maternity sale items below.
You can see the entire selection of the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale baby, kids and shoes here!
Have a great Sunday!
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