I cannot believe that Greyson is going to be one in only two months! Where did this year go?! I don’t want my baby boy to get any bigger. I love this age right now. He is so social, loves to cuddle, laugh and he just started crawling over Christmas.
I get alot of questions on Grey’s schedule and what a typical day likes for him. So here is what a normal day looks like. The one thing that varies a little is the time he wakes and the length of his naps.
Routine: How a typical day is for Grey.
730/8am Wake up, laugh and snuggle with dad or mom. Diaper change and dressed for the day.
830am Breakfast! Grey gets a 10 oz bottle and any leftover milk he doesn’t drink we use to make his oatmeal. He loves oatmeal! Banana are also a breakfast favorite.
10am Nap Time – Diaper change and into sleep sack with binkie. He will nap for 2 hours
12pm Wakes- I let him play in his crib till he starts to fuss. Then lots of snuggles and diaper change.
12:30 Lunch – Normally will eat a 5 oz bottle first then in his high chair for solids. He still eats baby food but we have been incorporating solids. He likes mashed carrots, sweet potatoes, diced chicken, quinoa, really anything I offer.
1pm He will usually do floor-time again/play with his toys in the afternoon. He loves lot of entertainment! He loves to read books, play games & he crawls all over the house after me!
3pm Short nap – Diaper change and into sleep sack with binkie. Normally takes around an hour nap.
4pm –Wakes –change diaper
We offer him a 5 oz bottle. He eats so much!
4:15pm – More play time. Loves to cuddle and crawl on me.
5pm –Dinner – We offer him solids depending on what I have made (mashed vegetables, whole wheat noodles, quinoa, etc) otherwise he loves baby food!
6:30pm –Bath time with big sister. He LOVES his bath.
645pm – Change into PJs, night diapers and gets a 10 oz bottle. After burping, goes right into sleep sack and down for the whole night. Yay!!
Sleeping: Greyson has been a great sleeper and I credit that to the consistent routine we are on, the Snoo sleeper we used the first 7 months and the fact he is the second child. He is sleeping through the night and is still going the whole night in his crib with the door shut & the monitor on. Sometimes he wakes during the night and fusses a little bit but he will put himself back to sleep.
Eating: Grey is such a good eater and eats so much! Almost any solid food I introduce, he likes. I try to have cooked sweet potatoe, squash or carrots on hand, since they are soft. I also have a quinoa or pasta on hand. I offer him fruit always after he eats his veggies. I am trying out Cherry tomatoes tonight! And I plan on trying eggs soon. My doctor said it would be good to try out sooner than after 1 years old, as recommended in the past.
Sizes: Greyson is wearing 12-18 months clothing. He is on the leaner side but really long!
10 Months Postpartum
I am no longer breastfeeding. We switched over to formula around 7 months or so. That has made it easier for me to work out harder now that I am not worried about hurting my supply or have to pump in the early morning. I work out around 5 days a week and feel like my body is back to normal and weight, minus the extra skin around my stomach. High-waist pants are the best for that!
Shopping for Grey…
Lots of you ask where I shop for Grey so here are a few of my favorite brands and retailers….
Huxbaby, Zara baby, Gap kids, Nordstrom, The Tot,
Outfit details: Matching Hats by Kyi Kyi // Grey’s fuzzy fleece suit // Booties via Lauren Alexandra //
Feel free to leave any questions below!
Until next month!
Becky xx
Grey’s Style
Current Favorite Baby Products and Toys
Leave a Comment!
Hey. Just wondering how long your workouts are and what you typically do? I have a 9 month old and I’m just always too exhausted to workout most days. He still doesn’t sleep through the night (only wakes up once though). Thanks.
I go to a local workout studio called Fusion Fitness and the classes are 45min-60min. They have an online program called Sweat Lab Fitness. Thanks for reading! Xx
Thank you SO much for these updates! My little guy is almost 9 months, and your updates have saved us and really helped us establish a routine. We joke that we re so fortunate Manny was born behind Greyson so we can follow your advice. Thanks, Becky! You’re my absolute favorite blogger for mamahood, fashion, health & beauty! Keep up the wonderful work! XX 🙂
What formula are you using?
Thanks for sharing! Just wondering when he started crawling and now pulling up on things does he do that in bed? My baby is only 6 months and not doing that stuff yet but we used babywise and put him to sleep awake and he puts himself to sleep and if he wakes in the night he does the same puts himself to sleep but I’m wondering if he wakes when he’s able to stand or crawl that he will do that in bed in stead of falling asleep? Maybe not though! So I would love your input!
Can you give us more information on how you used the snoo.? We purchased it but I am not convinced of its magical powers. (Maybe my expectations were too high?) Were you on a schedule right away?
I shared a full review on the snoo and how we use it! You can search the snoo on the blog. xx
Thank you for the great post!!
I too was wondering which brand(s) of formula you use? Also, I’d love to know if you take him out with you for long walks/errands etc during the day, even if it runs into his nap time and he falls asleep while you’re out or do you try to keep his naps to his crib at home.
Thanks for sharing!! What formula do you use for him? How did you transition from bf to formula? Any tips would help! Thanks!
So we started mixing breast milk with formula so he could get use to the taste of formula. I first started with the ratio of half to half and after he got use to that I would start to add more formula than breastmilk. The trick is not to make a huge batch that may waste your breastmilk.
Hope this helps! xx