Jan 30

35 Weeks Pregnant

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Dress by Legoe Heritage //

35 weeks pregnant with 34 days to go until our due date! The countdown is surreal but we are feeling more and more ready by the day. I have been in total nest mode, organizing and cleaning as much as possible. I am also trying to shoot and work as much as I can to be ready to take time off for baby. I am hoping to get a nursery reveal up on the blog most likely after baby, since I have really procrastinated on this. Iโ€™ve been back to feeling tired, hungry for carbs, and not to mention large this past week. At least my motivation for working out is still there. That is when I feel my best physically, if that makes sense. It gives me energy, I feel great and I know itโ€™s so good for baby. Itโ€™s at night when I start to feel really uncomfortable and huge. As much as I am ready to not be pregnant, I am going to miss this bump.

Due Date: March 4th

How far along: 35 weeks

Size of baby: 18.2 inches and 5.3lb., current status is the size of a small spaghetti squash

How many days to go: 35

Total weight gain: 21 pounds as of last week

Maternity clothes: Legoe Heritage, BAE the Label, Asos and A Pea in the Pod are my favorites.

Stretch marks: None. Lots of lotion every single day!

Sleep: Either waking up to turn over, blow my nose, or to pee โ€ฆ

Best moment of this week: Going to brunch Sunday with Sutton an Micahel and just soaking up as much time as we can with Sutton.

Miss anything: Normal clothes, so much

Movement: The last two weeks, he has been rocking and rolling! He literally kicked my laptop off my belly.

Food cravings: Pasta, sandwiches and lots of fruit.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Have you started to show yet: Hell yes

Gender: BOY!!!

Labor signs: None

Belly button in or out: Out

Wedding rings on or off: On when I remember

Happy or moody most of the time: Mix of both. Ready to be back to myself and not so emotional.

Names: Obviously I would love to share but I am going to keep it a secret

Looking forward to: Shooting a bunch of fun stuff this week and get lots decided on babyโ€™s nursery.


F A V O R I T E  M A T E R N I T Y  C L O T H E S

N U R S E R Y  F I N D S



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  1. Love when you do updates! So exciting that itโ€™s so close!

      • I know the feeling of wanting baby out, but going to miss the belly. I had my little girl almost 4 months ago and sometimes I miss her being in my belly. She is such a blessing and so is your Lil boy ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Hi Becky- Love your nursery finds! I just picked up that round mirror at my local Homegoods for 130.00! If you have a HG..check it out. What a bargain! All the best as you head into the final countdown!