Dec 7

24 Things To Do in December

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With Sutton being 2 this Christmas, she is definitely more aware of all of the holiday fun compared to last year! It makes the season all the more fun seeing her be so excited โ€“ she is obsessed with Elf on the Shelf, candy canes, and anything with Christmas lights! I know after the holidays end, and we get closer to baby boyโ€™s arrival in March, I will be settling in and going into nest mode. So, I want to make this a super fun time and do as many holiday themed activities with her as I can. It is a perfect time for us to start creating some holiday traditions as our family is growing.

Today I wanted to share all the things we plan on doing this December this holiday season!




hillyard-9It started to rain but Sutton made the most of it!


Her little mini Hunter boots-she wore this pair last season too! So great for kids.



hillyard-02Her cute little bum in this pic. hillyard-21



Suttonโ€™s face in this picture.




24 Things to do in December

Go out and look at Christmas lights

Bake cookies -check!

Pick out and put up the Christmas Tree -check!

Decorate the Christmas Tree -check!

Make and decorate gingerbread houses

Sing Christmas Songs -check check check

Visit Santa

Buy and donate toys for Toys For Tots -check

Help to wrap presents for friends and family

Make Reindeer Food

Make homemade Christmas color/glitter play dough (and scent it with peppermint)

Make popcorn and cranberry garland

Write a letter to Santa

Watch a holiday movie -Charlie Brown, Frosty the Snowman, Home Alone (if Sutton letโ€™s us)

Eat Candy Canes

Hang stockings on the mantle or banister -check

4 words โ€“ Elf on the Shelf

Address and Mail holiday cards -check

Go to a holiday parade

Make cards and gifts for teachers

Pick a special family ornament for the year

Have a Random Acts of Kindness Day(s)

Make snow globes

Make sโ€™mores in your backyard and wearing Christmas PJs -check ๐Ÿ˜‰

What are some of your favorite things to do around the holidays?




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  1. These are the cutest photos! And what great December activities! My son is a little younger than Sutton and it is so fun seeing his excitement this time of year.

    • Itโ€™s really the best! Canโ€™t wait to see how she likes sitting on Santaโ€™s lap this year.

  2. These pics. are too cute. Yโ€™all look so cute in your Christmas jammies. I love the Christmas list. Such great ideas. Iโ€™ll be saving this post.

    • Thanks! I know, as I wrote the post it reminded me of a bunch we still need to do! Christmas lights on the agenda tonight!