Nov 9

Big Announcement!!

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So I have been keeping a secret from you guys for a long time and it’s been SO hard not sharing the news but….


How it all happened:

We were looking at a new, existing home to purchase, but I wasn’t 100% sure about the location. We love the location of our current home, so that had made looking at new houses so difficult! Our current home is walking distance to Sutton’s school and the neighborhood is a bit more private and with bigger lots – which is really hard to find in Leawood.  I told Michael, ” I wish we could just stay where we are and build” – but it wouldn’t make sense to tear down our current home and build, obviously!  Michael said that he thought one of the neighbors on our block had mentioned they were looking to move and their house was on a great lot just like our current home. So Michael literally knocked on the home owner’s door and asked them if they would be willing to sell their home to us, and to our surprise, they said yes!!  Even more incredibly, they want to move that month! So we had to make the decision to purchase that home as a tear down very quickly! We loved the lot and location and it all seemed to make sense! I know the home building process is SO much work but we could not pass on this ideal situation. I still can’t believe how lucky we got in finding this lot. It is on the same street as our current home so we are able to walk over to the new home and watch it be built. I will share more pics and videos on my IG stories!

We are building custom, so we still have a long road ahead, but that comes with the territory and is totally worth it to get what you want in my opinion.  I’ve already learned so much about the custom home building process, so you can expect to see some helpful blog posts about our experience in the near future!  I also plan to document the building progress along the way, and may even come to y’all for opinions on floors, wall color, light fixtures, etc., so I hope you enjoy following along!


So, to kick things off here’s a little recap of where we currently are in the process:

– The house on the lot was torn down on Halloween and we all got to watch it. It was so cool- the kids loved watching! I am going to share some of it on stories in the next day.

 Our floor plans are finalized.  I guess you could say the biggest decision we had to make is crossed off the list!  Now we just have to spend the next few months choosing all of the cosmetics.

 It’s about to get really real.  The lot has been cleared out and the stakes have been put in the ground. They started evacuating this week! So stay tune for more updates!

If you want to help me decide on house stuff, I’d love to hear your opinions!  Follow along on instagram @cellajaneblog– I’m sure I’ll be posting lots of house updates and taking votes for interior stuff via Instagram stories.   Also, if you’ve been through this process before, any advice and tips are appreciated! 

See our current home and home decor here.



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  1. How exciting! Congratulations! Can’t wait to see the progress! My husband and I want to build a customized home in the future as well!

  2. Congratulations!! This is exciting and def looking forward to content on this specific topic. 🙂

    • This is SO exciting!!! Congratulations!! We are building right now and it’s hard, sometimes I think we are crazy, but it’s also so fun, exciting and worth it!!!