Now that Greyson is getting older, we’ve really come into some routines as a family. You’ve probably noticed by now that family donuts are something we’re always excited about, and we have some other routines we’re always doing regularly. I thought it’d be fun to share what some of those are as ideas for your own fam, plus a couple I want to incorporate often.
Most days I’m cooking at home for the kids and keeping things pretty healthy, but once a week, it’s donut time. The kids look forward to this so much (as do Michael and I). From heading in the car as a family to picking out our favorites, I love this routine. It doesn’t have to be donuts – but think of a meal or treat your family enjoys, and make it a regular thing.
It’s probably not a shocker that Sutton likes to shop more than I do, and lately, Greyson has even been pointing out items he likes to wear. We usually find ourselves at Nordstrom as the quality and service can’t be beat and the inventory is always amazing. We just picked up these fall outfits for the kids and had such a fun afternoon doing so. A little shopping, lunch after, and then a fashion show from Sutton. I like involving them in picking out their clothes and developing their personal style, and it can be something fun as a family. They even wore them to get donuts a few days later, so I think they like the outfits 😉
We’ve done this a couple times with the kids and they always enjoy it. Especially during summer and fall, it’s a sweet routine as a fam. Lay out the blankets in the yard, cozy up, and look at the stars. No technology or Instagram, just relaxing with the people you love most. I always crack up at the shapes Sutton sees too!
Some Sundays we head to church, but if not, it’s a lazy Sunday morning. Even if we do go, we’ll come home and change back into lounge clothes and hang together. We usually put a movie on and take a long nap, which feels like the perfect way to end the week. I know I’ll only appreciate this more and more as the kids get older. Hopefully, they will too.
This is something I want to start doing with the kids more often and make it a family routine 1x a month. I know some families who do this and it’s so cool! It’s definitely something we want to instill in our kids’ lives on a regular basis. Let me know if any of you KC women have good ideas for local places that allow kids!
What’s a routine your family has?
Becky xx
Sutton’s look: Sweatshirt Dress TTS // Converse Sneakers TTS lowtop version here
Grey’s look: Graphic Tee TTS // Cardigan TTS // Jeans they fit a little long on grey but we rolled the cuffs and they will last him for a couple seasons // Nike Kicks
A big thanks to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post!
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What a great routine! These are great little things that even adults would love. My friends and I regularly go stargazing since we live in the country with no light pollution. I also do a once a week breakfast night at a local diner.