Leggings // Furry Jacket // Matching Mommy & Mini Hats // Grey’s Outfit // Grey’s Shoes
I know I sound like a broken record, but I can’t believe Greyson is almost 9 months old! His personality has really come out the past couple months. He is the happiest, sweetest, little guy you will ever meet. He loves being talked to and loves his mama! And he just got his first tooth!! I had a bunch of you mamas ask me to share an updated schedule, along with a few other questions regarding Greyson that I am answering below.
Current Schedule 8 Months Old:
730 AM Wake / Change Diaper / Gets 10oz Bottle
8AM Independent play and breakfast -Earth’s Best Oatmeal
9:30 NAP
11:30/ 12 Wake / Change Diaper / Gets 10oz Bottle
1230 Independent play
1PM Lunch -baby food
2:30 NAP (I put him down awake, so he learns to fall asleep on his own)
4:00 PM Wake / Change Diaper / Gets 10oz Bottle
4:30 PM Play
5:15 Dinner -baby food
6:15 Bath
6:30/6:45 Bedtime = PJs, 10 oz bottle and straight down to bed (I put him down sleepy/awake)
Blackout shades pulled, lights out, in Merlin Sleep Suit & Crib and sound machine on.
The amount that Greyson eats at each feeding varies, sometimes he will eat all 10 oz, other times he eats 4 oz. He loves any baby food!
We do put him down awake (sleepy) so he learns to puy himself, so if he does wake up at night, he can put himself back to sleep.
He went from 3 naps to two naps around 7 months. I could tell he wa ready to drop his last nap that was around 4pm when we refused to sleep.
A couple questions from y’all….
Did you guys have any sleep regressions with Greyson?
Yes, at 4 months, he just stopped napping his long 2 hour spurts. He was only napping 30 mins. That lasted for about 3 weeks. I just would wake and feed him, and treated it like a growth spurt. He eventually got back into his longer naps.
Does Greyson sleep through the night?
Yes, he started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks, amen. Just recently he had several ear infections back to back and that started to wake him at night. I knew something was wrong when he was waking in the middle of the night. Poor little guy. Fingers crossed his ears are better. We take him into the doctor Monday for a follow-up.
Are you still breastfeeding?
No, we transition to formula around 7 months. I wasn’t pumping enough to keep my supply up. I don’t know how I last a year with Sutton. It takes dedication and hard work. I told myself this time around, I will stop when I am ready and at around 7 months, I felt I was ready.
We didn’t have any problems transitioning to formula since we first started to introduce Grey to it, with his breastmilk. We first mixed it, 3/4 breastmilk and 1/4 formula, then when he got use to that, we did half and half, and eventually to all formula.
Anything you are doing differently with Greyson as a baby than you did with Sutton?
Yes, so much. While I am doing the same (Babywise led) schedule with Greyson as I did with Sutton, I am much more flexible with it. If he doesn’t nap his full nap one day, I don’t stress about it. If we have to miss a nap one day, and he has to nap in the car or being carried on me while we are out, I don’t stress out it. We also let him cry a little more before we jump up to comfort him because lots of times I just can’t get to him bc I am busy with big sis. This naturally, I think made him more of a chill baby. Instead of me rushing to his side everytime he makes a peep, he is given a chance to learn how to soothe himself.
What is the age difference between Sutton and Greyson?
Sutton was 2.5 years old when Greyson was born. For us, that was the perfect age difference. We were able to have Sutton fully potty trained by the time Grey was born, which was nice not to have both in diapers. She does such a good job helping me out with Grey and seems to be really patient with him!
How long did you swaddle Greyson?
We swaddled him until he was 7 months old. We went from the swaddle to the Merlin Sleep suit. I want to transition him into a sleep sack after the holidays.
Thanks for sending your questions. Feel free to leave more below! As always thanks for reading!!
Becky xx
Outfit details:
Leggings // Furry Jacket // Matching Mommy & Mini Hats // Grey’s Outfit // Grey’s Shoes
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Loving your feeds! May I know which camera you’re using and what app/colour scheme you use for your photo edits? (:
I use this camera for all my blog photos and this lens. Instagram photos are all taken on my iPhone 10xs max. And I edit all photos in Lightroom on my computer or the free Lightroom app on my phone!
Wanting to try supplementing formula. Can you elaborate more on exactly how you did this? I read you started off at 75/25 then down to 50/50. Do you mix the formula with breastmilk? Just curious how you did this? TIA
Yes, I would be breastmilk with the formula. So my first ration would be mostly breastmilk (3/4) to 1/4 formula. Once he took that well, I would add less breastmilk and more formula (half and half) and so on until it was all formula. Worked like a charm!
Love these updates!
When you say nap, is that the time you put him down or the time he falls asleep?
I think my 6.5 month old is starting to drop his 3rd nap. So many people have said to wait wait wait! Not sure I can much longer!
Becky, thank you SO much for these updates!! My little guy is 7 months old today and your last post helped us immensely with a schedule. We are so grateful and appreciate your help/wisdom!
So happy to hear! xx
He’s so cute. So he’s only awake barely 7 hours each day? Just wondering. I’m amazed he sleeps so much!
Yes, right now he sleeps 16 hours a day! It varies but stays pretty consistent. xx
I can’t believe he’s 8 months already? Such a cutie. I’m due any day with my second and first is 2.5, so same age difference. Love following along to see what your life is like as a mom of two 🙂
Thanks sophie! Aprreciate you stopping by! Sending much love and safe delivery to you! xx
Hi, I’ve been searching your site for a link to the brown stroller you have pictured in so many posts. And I can’t seem to find it. Do you mind letting me know what stroller set it is?
Hi! Brown stroller HERE & favorite on the go stroller HERE!