Feb 27

39 Week Update

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Racer Back Tank Dress (non-maternity) similar here // Chambray Shirt 

Today, we are 39 weeks pregnant! Only 6 days away until our official due date. My last weekly appointment my doctor said I am about 2-3 cm dilated and so I am hoping this week it will be further! I am getting so eager for labor to start and ready to meet this little man already! My mom is coming to town Tuesday to stay till the end of the week just in case I do go into labor. I am taking in every last day as a family of 3 and time with just Sutton and me. Other than than, I’m just over here still pregnant, waiting for this little boy to make her way into our lives! Wish me luck!!

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Due Date: March 4th

How far along: 39 weeks!

Size of baby: 20 inches and 7.0lb., current status is the size of a small watermelon

How many days to go: 6

Total weight gain: 25.6 pounds

Maternity clothes: See my favorites below.

Stretch marks: None. Stretch marks do not run in my family. I also use this belly lotion.

Sleep: Sleeping decent with a ton of pillows around me.

Best moment of this week: Baby boy’s dresser arrived and I got his room pretty organized. Still waiting on wall paper and a few other pieces of furniture. I am in no rush, since he will be in a bassinet for the first few months in our room!

Miss anything: Normal clothes, and my energy.

Movement: Always moving. Most moment happens from 9-1opm and after meals.

Food cravings: Lots and lots of bread.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No

Have you started to show yet: Bump is large and in charge.

Gender: BOY!!!

Labor signs: A few contractions.

Belly button in or out: Pretty much always out

Wedding rings on or off: Off, at night my fingers swell too much.

Happy or moody most of the time: Both!

Looking forward to: My mom visiting and spending the last few days with Miss Sutton.


F A V O R I T E  M A T E R N I T Y  S T Y L E S

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  1. I love the dress in this picture. I am 16 weeks pregnant with my second baby, and I’m trying to stay away from buying too many maternity clothes. This would be so versatile! It’s sold out though at Nordstrom ?. Do you know of anywhere else I could get it? I would probably need a size small. You looked wonderful btw!!

  2. Yay! So excited!! Cute dress you have on too! Good luck! Hope everything goes smoothly for you!

  3. Love this look! What size dress are you wearing? Does it have a good stretch to it? About to order it, I’m only 18 weeks right now but want it for the spring/summer 🙂