Today, we are 30 weeks pregnant, I can’t believe how fast this pregnancy is flying by! I feel like I have been more mum about this pregnancy and it’s due to a couple things, the blog is so busy that making the time for updates has been put on the back burner and two, it’s the second child, so anytime free time I do have is dedicated to Sutton. That will all be changing the start of the New Year as slow things down a bit and we get ready for baby’s arrival.
Right now baby boy is the size of a large eggplant. He is moving around so much right now and it can still surprise me when he makes those flips or sudden movements. The weeks seem to be creeping up on us and I feel like it’s crunch time in order to have things ready in time. I am entering my nesting stage, so hopefully, I can get most of the nursery completed. To be honest, I feel slightly overwhelmed by the number of things we have to do still, let alone get. And I really need to re-read some of my baby books.
From here on out, I will be doing a weekly update on my pregnancy, plus sharing my favorite mommy to be items and products.
Due Date: March 4th
How many days to go: 70
How far along: 30 weeks…. THIRD TRIMESTER!!!!
Size of baby: 15.7 inches and 2.9lb., current status is the size of a cabbage
Total weight gain: 17lbs.
Maternity clothes: AG Maternity Jeans from a Pea in the Pod, Asos Maternity Line and Target maternity leggings.
Stretch marks: None. I use body lotion daily all over my belly, back, legs, all over!
Sleep: Sleeping 8 hours a night.
Best moment of the week: When we asked Sutton about baby brother, she recalls popping the big ballon with gammie and pappa-for our gender reveal. I was so impressed she remembered that, because we did that back in August and hadn’t talked about the balloon much since then.
Miss anything: My favorite ripped jeans.
Movement: Moving lots! Baby boy is a night owl and is most active from 9-1030pm
Food cravings: Pizza, dark chocolate always.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. More in my first trimester.
Have you started to show yet: Yes! Front view in my pictures doesn’t show much but side view, we are bumping!
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor signs: Nope, just my first round of Braxton Hicks while I was working out.
Belly button in or out: Depends on his position, but pretty out there.
Wedding rings on or off: On for the times I remember to wear!
Happy or moody most of the time: A mix but luckily my husband loves to make me laugh so happy often!
Looking forward to: Slowing down on blog and taking time for baby stuff.
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Love seeing this update! So excited for you!!
I love this! My due date is March 6th but we have the c-section scheduled for the 3rd! While I was reading this, I was like “yep, yep, yep” ha!! My husband and I gave ourselves until after Christmas to start getting everything ready for him so it’s go time now! It is definitely different the second time around! 🙂
Aw congrats! glad to know I’m not alone on getting baby stuff ready! xx
I’m due with my 2nd 2/24? I am curious how much water you drink during pregnancy. I stayed constantly thirsty for water but the last months I put on so much water weight and started to swell. Even though they say the more water the better, it was almost doing more harm than good (so it seemed..Although after birth the water weight came off so fast and I was back to my normal weight in a few days.)